Audition NoticeAuditions will soon be held for our spring production, a thriller that will keep you guessing until its very end. Hit the button below to learn more. |
We're hiring!Looking to make a little extra cash this spring? We're offering two paid positions for our upcoming March Break theatre camp. Hit the button below to find out more. |
Our Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday, November 29th at 6:30 PM at the Seaway Valley Theatre, 30 Sixth Street East in Cornwall. As always, an election of new members to the board of directors will be on the agenda.
All members and supporters are welcome to attend and contribute to the discussion. However, you must have a paid membership for 2024-2025 for voting privileges. Please come if you can. |
$5,000.00 Only three spots available Be the show sponsor for one of our plays or our Children's Musical Included in this sponsorship:
Extensive exposure ALL season:
The Seaway Valley TheatreOur base of operations is the Seaway Valley Theatre, a performance, event, and meeting venue located at 30 Sixth Street East in Cornwall. The former home of the Cornwall and District Navy Veterans Association, we acquired the building in June of 2020 and have since repurposed it for our needs.
The upper floor contains two spacious, wheelchair-friendly rooms with free Wi-Fi. One is the Ianni Performance Hall , so named for the SVTC’s most generous benefactor. This is where we have our smaller productions, rehearsals, and our theatre camps for children. The other is our Event Room, which is our lobby during performances. It is also used for rehearsals and other theatre related activities. |
Seaway Valley Theatre, January 2022
The SVTC has recently been given a $148,300 Resilient Communities Fund grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Resilient Communities Fund. This grant was used for the installation of new house lighting on the main floor of the Seaway Valley Theatre, which was completed in July. This will give theatre lovers in Cornwall and SDG&A a more comfortable experience for many years to come. It's also funded the purchase of a new, twenty-four unit wireless microphone system, which was bought in June. We now have a more stable and secure layer of tech infrastructure which will greatly improve the sonic quality of our performances.
"The Seaway Valley Theatre Company is an important asset to our Arts & Culture community throughout Stormont, Dundas & South Glengarry. This grant will help SVTC to present world class events here at home in Cornwall. Congratulations to all of the entertainers, organizers and supporters with this new upgrade to the lighting systems,” said Nolan Quinn, MPP for Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry. |
Seniors Act II
Diamond's Edge
Catch the Ace!Both weekly and progressive jackpots are up for grabs in this unique fundraising raffle staged by participating Rotary Clubs of Ontario. |
Levée de fondsJoignez-vous à nous pour un spectacle de Noël avec Nicolas Doyon et ses compagnons. Cliquez le bouton ici pour plus d'informations. |
What better way to raise funds for a good cause than a good ol' 50/50 draw? We’re starting up again with another draw which will be held on Sunday, March 6th at 7:00 PM.
Tickets are $5.00 each, three for $10.00, and ten for $20.00. Half of all money raised will go into the jackpot and the other half will go to our building fund, future productions, and other theatre related activities. Tickets will be available for sale in person at the Seaway Valley Theatre on the following dates: February 11, 12, 18, 19, 24, 25 & 26 from 7:00 to 9:30 PM February 13, 20, 21 and 27 from 1:00 to 3:30 PM Please be sure to read all of the rules and regulations listed below before buying your tickets. WHEN BUYING TICKETS, PLEASE BE SURE TO TICK THE BOX ASKING TO SHARE YOUR MAILING ADDRESS WITH THE SVTC. |
Advance tickets for all four shows of our 2021-2022 season will soon be available online in the coming months. Hit this button to visit our ticket selling website, The Ticket Wicket:
If you’ve already registered on The Ticket Wicket for previous seasons, please know that you’ll need to create a new account with new log in info when buying tickets for 2021-2022. Unfortunately, this is a technological issue that's beyond our control, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience it causes you. Thank you for your understanding. |